About Us

Know a lot Bout Us including Background, Mission, Vision and Objectives.

Institutional Background

Dodoma Polytechnic Institute (DPI) is one of the highly growing vocational training institutions in Tanzania. Originally established in 2019, it is fully accredited by the Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) to offer vocational Certificate programmes leading to the awards of National Vocational Award (NVA) level I-III. In 2018, the Dodoma Polytechnic Institute (DPI) was formerly established charged with providing the Integrated Post-Primary Education (IPPE) accredited by the Institute of Adult Education (IAE).The IPPE goal was to help the basic educational leavers (STD VII) to acquire integrated academic, vocational and generic knowledge, skills and personality that would enable them function effectively and efficiently in the community. DPI quickly expanded to offer Vocational courses leading to Full Vocational Certificates. By 2020 DPI is expecting to offer ordinary diploma courses in Informatics, Electronics and Electrical engineering. It gradually determines to add more advanced courses and degrees programmes.


To be the best Training Institute in the country turning out young competent technicians and vocational experts


Our mission is to train young people to acquire technical vocational skills that would make them self-reliant and instill in them the fear of God, contribute to the reduction of youth unemployment in Tanzania and enable them succeed in life.

General Objective

The general objective of the centre is to contribute to the national Development Vision 2025 of "a well-educated and learning society”, “Strong and Competitive Economy” , the Poverty Reduction strategies Paper (PRS1), now being implemented under the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP), commonly known as MKUKUTA and Industrialization Policy in Tanzania.

Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Accountability